It seems like circumstance after circumstance is pushing the world to virtual learning, from the advent of the Digital Era and the financial ease it puts on those who want to further their education but can’t afford it, to the post-COVID era in which health and safety make it necessary to engage in mobile learning. Institutions that have embraced this style of education have consistently stated the visible improvement on student achievement, faculty engagement, and research impact.
With billions of people accessing learning information through their digital devices, it’s important that researchers utilize this trend in their best interests. Mobile learning can help scholars increase their citation counts, bump up their impact levels, and communicate with other experts globally. In fact, virtual education is transforming the field of academia on every level, and if you’re not going with the flow or getting ahead of it, you’ll quickly be left behind.
The Prevalence of Mobile Learning
Traditional classroom instructional methods are still in use, but they’re quickly being displaced by new technology. Since almost everyone has a smart device or mobile phone and is comfortable using them, it makes sense that they become part of education. Recent studies show that 86 percent of college students have a smart device of some kind and half of them state that they use these devices daily to do their coursework.
E-commerce industries have turned into a trillion-dollar market and people prefer to shop and access the internet from their phones or tablets. This trend continues into the educational sector, where the delivery of instructional content through mobile learning, also called m-learning, is gaining in popularity the more people realize exactly how easy it is to access information on demand. Many institutions around the world have jumped on board and are using mobile learning to facilitate better learner engagement. It makes it cheaper and easier to learn for the student, boosts the institutions’ numbers, and is a win/win for all sides.
Using Digital Devices to Drive Research Impact
Students aren’t the only ones benefiting from mobile learning. Researchers get to enjoy the perks of this development, too. Mobile apps make it easier to complete field work, communicate with other experts and team members around the world, and collect and store data wherever they are.
On an even more powerful level, billions of people using digital devices means that if an author optimizes their work right, it can be reached by a wider audience. Users access data anywhere in the world that they have an internet connection. Because of the freedom and ease to do this, more individuals are spending time getting to learn about topics they are interested in. M-learning gives researchers the opportunity to teach anyone interested about their work, and the more people who access an article, the greater the research impact becomes.
The New Era of Mobile Learning as it Affects Researchers
As graduate students go through their higher education, they continue to learn and implement the amazing strategies that mobile learning offers them. Taking this style into the next generation has created an entirely new era of scholasticism.
M-learning allows researchers to further the scope of their work to more than just the readership of a particular journal. With open access and online publishing, anyone can read the work they are interested in, allowing for greater information to be disseminated and a much stronger impact to be made. Mobile learning is revamping the entire field of academia as people of all backgrounds and borders are able to communicate, learn, and engage on topics they are interested in.
Improve Your Citation Count With Impactio
Mobile learning is a great opportunity for researchers to improve their scholarly impact with more citation counts. The way these are factored in continues to evolve, as does m-learning, but the idea behind how impact affects the scholarly reputation remains constant. As a researcher, you must do what you can to help improve your citation indicators by engaging in mobile learning optimization and using the right program to guide you. Impactio was designed for scholars, so it automatically has all the tools you need to get the job done.
By taking an active role optimizing your work for mobile learning, you are, in effect, taking charge of your own indicators. Once you’ve published your work, Impactio gives you a report feature to track your relevant citation indicators. With easy-to-understand breakdowns, you can watch your citation numbers in real time to adjust your proactive measures, improve your m-learning style, and maximize how you get your work out to your audience!