Popular Questions
How can I sign up for Impactio?
I have trouble logging in, what can I do?
How can I change my login email address?
How do I control who can see what's on my Impactio’s profile?
Who can I send messages to on Impactio?
Can I message someone who is not on my connection list?
What plans can I choose?
What’s the difference among Starter, Standard and Premium plans?
How do I import my resume information on Linkedin or ResearchGate to Impactio?
How can I edit my resume?
Can I add or delete citations by myself?
Where does the citation and publication data come from on Impactio?
Can I add or delete publications by myself?
What information about my publications will be shown?
How to create a new lab?
Can I create more than one lab?

Popular Questions
How can I sign up for Impactio?
I have trouble logging in, what can I do?
How can I change my login email address?
How do I control who can see what's on my Impactio’s profile?
Who can I send messages to on Impactio?
Can I message someone who is not on my connection list?
What plans can I choose?
What’s the difference among Starter, Standard and Premium plans?
How do I import my resume information on Linkedin or ResearchGate to Impactio?
How can I edit my resume?
Can I add or delete citations by myself?
Where does the citation and publication data come from on Impactio?
Can I add or delete publications by myself?
What information about my publications will be shown?
How to create a new lab?
Can I create more than one lab?