In the business world, when something works well for one company, there’s a trickle-down effect that’s almost visible. Other companies stand up and take notice, and they copy the idea and make it their own in the hopes of reaping the same benefits that the original business received. This is seen in things like logos, branding, website creations, mobile apps, and more, and it’s now readily apparent in the rise of mission statements across the world.
Mission statements are nothing more than a collection of words, but when they’re used right, they become a powerful tool. The statement is a summary of the ultimate goal of the company or organization, and it’s constantly referred back to when any action plan is discussed. The mission statement is a reflection of the values, strategies, and objectives of the company and any behavior or action made by the business and its employees should reflect what it says. For that reason, it’s helpful for researchers to not only have their own mission statements, but to know those of the businesses they are considering working with.
The Purpose of These Short Summaries
Putting together a mission statement isn’t a simple, quick feat. The entire set of sentences that comprise the statement should tell the entire reason the organization or company exists in the first place. It is put together by the founders of the business and bought in by the managers and employees as a way of establishing a team and saying “this is our goal; our entire purpose.” It gives everyone in the organization the clarity they need to make decisions, knowing which ones support the mission statement and which ones don’t. They can focus on the problems that are in the way of their goal and pursue the opportunities that will bring them closer to the ultimate aims.
But the trick to a mission statement isn’t just to tell the objective clearly. It also has to be written powerfully enough to get buy-in from all the staff in the business and to tell potential clients why the company exists in a way that encourages the client to work with them, not a competitor. The mission statement will serve as the means to devise the company’s brand and develop its reputation.
Designing this mission statement is, therefore, an essential part of establishing a company, or, as a researcher, devising your own reputation and goals, and should not be taken on lightly.
What’s In a Mission Statement?
Although it sounds like a difficult undertaking, once you understand what goes into a mission statement, it becomes less complex, although each word must still be carefully chosen.
Inside a mission statement, you’ll cover the purpose of the company or your own purpose for becoming a researcher. Explain to those looking to hire you how you meet that purpose; for instance, if your purpose was to make an impact in the field of microbiology, you’ll do so by tenaciously seeking out the answers to every question that appears in your research.
Then, you cover who you’re doing the work for. Do you want to help a specific group of people? Society in general? Humanity? The animals? The environment for future generations? This brings you to the last section of your mission statement where you discuss value. What is the value of you as a researcher as you aim to reach your objective? How will you help in ways others can’t?
As you design your mission statement, and as businesses design theirs, it’s necessary to keep in mind the target audience, what service or product is being offered, and the advantage you or the company has over any of the competition, particularly if a niche market is involved.
How Knowing a Mission Statement Empowers Research
Once you have your mission statement, make sure you put it on all your websites and social media. Professional social sites like Impactio are frequently used by potential stakeholders and employers to determine whether a researcher has the citation metrics and work history to do the job they’re considering hiring them for.
As a researcher, knowing the organization’s mission statement helps you to decide if you feel that your partnership with that company would be a good fit, as well. If their goal and mission is to further their bottom line and yours is to be of service to others, those two aims don’t always go hand-in-hand.
Use a mission statement on your Impactio and LinkedIn profiles to show your philosophy as a researcher, and use the mission statements of potential stakeholders and partners before you agree to work with them. These small summaries tell a lot about a person or an organization, and making use of them ahead of time can save a lot of stress and headaches later.