BioXGEM 藥物設計與系統生物實驗室
科技部補助人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心 All Vista Healthcare Center
Principal Investigator
Jinn-Moon Yang

Research Overview:

    I (Jinn-Moon Yang) am a full professor of Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Our primary goal is to study inhibitor-protein-pathway-disease relationships in a cell. The major research areas include drug discovery, structural bioinformatics, and systems biology. I published over 90 SCI papers on some journals, such as Genome Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, PLOS Computational Biology, Scientific Reports, and Bioinformatics. My h-index is 30 and 22 based on Google scholar and ISI Web of Knowledge, respectively. Based on ISI and Google scholar databases, total numbers of citations are over 1,300 and 3,100, respectively. Our team has developed a molecular docking (GEMDOCK) and site-moiety map (SiMMap) for molecular interaction (e.g., protein-ligand and protein-protein) mechanism analysis. My team achieved successful results on a fast protein structure search tool (3D-BLAST) which is as fast as BLAST and has the features of BLAST. We are the first team to introduce protein-protein interacting family and protein-ligand family which is similar to the concept of the protein or gene family. I also joined the editorial boards of Scientific Reports and PLoS ONE.

Research Assistant
羅永淳 (Yong-Chun Luo)
Research Assistant
Major Fields in BS: Biological Technology
林楚芸 (Chu-Yun Lin)
Research Assistant
Major Fields in BS: Food and nutrition
黃宇薇 (Yu-Wei Huang)
Research Assistant
Major Fields in BS: Computer Science and Information Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher
Nikhil Pathak
Major Fields in BS: Pharmacy
Graduate Student (Ph.D. Student)
莊佾軒 (Yi-Shen Chung)
Major Fields in BS: Computer Science
許彥超 (Yen-Chao Hsu; Jerry)
Major Fields in BS: Computer Science
許農育 (Nung-Yu Hsu; Vincent)
Major Fields in BS: Computer Science
李容羽 (Jung-Yu Lee)
Major Fields in BS: Animal Science
陳筠媞 (Yun-Ti Chen)
Major Fields in BS: Applied materials and optoelectronic engineering
Graduate Student (M.S. Student)
詹馥(Fu Chan)
Major Fields in BS: Food sciences
周治瑗 (Chi-hyuan Chou)
Major Fields in BS: Applied Life science
藍靖涵 (Ching-Han Lan)
Major Fields in BS: Applied Bioscience Technology
王任琮 (Ren-Cong Wang)
Major Fields in BS: Applied Biotechnology and Animal Science
楊欣儒 (Hsin-Ju Yang)
Major Fields in BS: Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science
陳宜群 (Yi-Cyun Chen)
Major Fields in BS: Animal Science
陳俊宇 (Chun-Yu Chen)
Major Fields in BS: Medical technology
Undergraduate Student
李柏毅 (Po-Yi Li)
Major Fields in BS: Biological Science & Technology
邱顯鈞 (Hsien-Chun Chiu)
Major Fields in BS: Biological Science & Technology
莊辰雅 (Chen-Ya Chuang)
Major Fields in BS: Biological Science & Technology
葉昱庭 (Yu-Ting Yeh)
Major Fields in BS: Biological Science and Technology
Jinn-Moon Yang
齊婉葶 (Wan-Ting Chi)
羅永淳 (Yong-Chun Luo)
林楚芸 (Chu-Yun Lin)
黃宇薇 (Yu-Wei Huang)
Nikhil Pathak
莊佾軒 (Yi-Shen Chung)
許彥超 (Yen-Chao Hsu; Jerry)
許農育 (Nung-Yu Hsu; Vincent)
李容羽 (Jung-Yu Lee)
陳筠媞 (Yun-Ti Chen)
詹馥(Fu Chan)
周治瑗 (Chi-hyuan Chou)
藍靖涵 (Ching-Han Lan)
王任琮 (Ren-Cong Wang)
楊欣儒 (Hsin-Ju Yang)
陳宜群 (Yi-Cyun Chen)
陳俊宇 (Chun-Yu Chen)
李柏毅 (Po-Yi Li)
邱顯鈞 (Hsien-Chun Chiu)
莊辰雅 (Chen-Ya Chuang)
葉昱庭 (Yu-Ting Yeh)
22 members
Contact Info
75 Po-Ai Street, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 30068