An in-born Banarasi and Native of India, Obtained B. Sc. (Physics), M. Sc. (Solid State Physics) and Ph. D. (Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics) degrees from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in the year 1996, 1998, 2005, respectively. Cleared National Eligibility Test (CSIR, HRDG,NEw Delhi) thrice in a row and first time in the year 1998.
Published nine articles to-date as a sole author and serving to a state University since 19th March, 2005 as an Assistant Professor of Physics.
Editorial board member: Journal of Polymer Science and Engineering, EnPress
We reported existence of Surface Attached Globule state for self attracting directed polymer chain interacting with surface. The Surface Attached Globule state was also found to exist for isotropic self-avoiding walk model of the chain in the leadership of my mentor Professor Yashwant Singh (Y Singh, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India).
We analytically solved directed walk model of surface attracting linear semi-flexible polymer chain interacting with surface. We reported exact values of persistence length of the chain for different situations. It has also been found for all the chosen cases that adsorption of semi-flexible chain takes place at a smaller values of surface adsorption than the case of flexible chain.
The forced induced desorption of a linear flexible polymer chain has re-entrant phase behavior and desorption transition is first order phase transition.
The confined self-attracting linear polymer chain shows re-entrant phase transition behavior under confined geometry.
Studied behaviour of the polymer chain (short chains and chain in the thermodynamic limit):
1. Adsorption phase transition behaviour of semi-flexible copolymer and homopolymer chain on a flat surface in two and three dimensions.
2. Adsorption phase transition behaviour of the copolymer and semi-flexible polymer chain on the fluctuating surface.
3. The conformational behaviour of polymer in the confined fluctuating geometries was reported through analytical calculations.
4. There were several other studies and their details can be had from my publications till date: