ResearcherID: M-5862-2013
Contact Info
Fields of Current Research Interest • Metamaterial Periodic structures for RF and Microwave & millimeter system components. • Compact, Multi-bands, Wideband, Wearable, and Circular polarized Antennas for wireless, radar & Seattleite applications. • Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) antennas and related applications. • Filtering structures (defected ground structures) / Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) applications. • On chip components & antenna for microwave & millimeter applications. • Adaptive and smart techniques and antennas for DOA and interference cancelation. • Radar absorber and frequency selective surfaces • Indoor and Outdoor Radio Waves Propagation.
Professional Skills
Strategic Planning
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Electrical Engineering
Signal Processing
Research Experience
Professor (Full)
Military Technical College November 2019 - Present
Visiting Professor
University of Waterloo March 2017 - Present
Visiting Professor (Associate)
University of Waterloo March 2017 - Present
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College January 2014 - Present
University of Manchester
Military Technical College May 2009 - Present
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College September 1996 - Present
Assistant lecturers / Master student
Military Technical College July 1996 - Present
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College July 1996 - Present
Electronic Engineering Egypt
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College January 2014 - February 2019
Department of Electronic Engineering Cairo, Egypt
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College September 2014 - November 2019
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College October 2014 - October 2019
University of Waterloo March 2017 - May 2017
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo, Canada
university of maNCHESTER
Military Technical College May 2009 - March 2017
Department of Electronic Engineering
Professor (Associate)
Military Technical College September 1996 - March 2017
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Professor (Assistant)
Military Technical College June 2009 - September 2014
PhD Student
The University of Manchester April 2006 - April 2009
PhD Student
The University of Manchester April 2006 - April 2009
PhD Student
The University of Manchester April 2006 - April 2009
PhD Student
The University of Manchester April 2006 - April 2009
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
PhD Student
The University of Manchester April 2006 - April 2009
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Military Technical College July 1996 - July 2006
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Assistant Lecturer
Military Technical College September 2000 - March 2006
Assistant lecturers / Master student
Military Technical College October 1997 - September 2000
Work Experience
Chair of electrical engineering school
Military technical college January 2023 - Present
Cairo, Egypt · On-site
Chair of Electronic Engineeting Department
Military technical college May 2020 - Present
Cairo, Egypt · On-site
The head of the scientific committee of the electronic engineering department
Full Professor
Military technical college January 2020 - Present
Cairo, Egypt
Head of Electromagnetic Waves Applications (Antennas and microwave / millimeter Components).
Military technical college September 1996 - Present
Associate Professor
Military technical college January 2015 - January 2020
Cairo, Egypt
Assistant Professor
Military technical college June 2009 - December 2014
Electromagnetic, Microwave, and Antennas Research
University of Manchester
2006 - 2009
Doctor of Philosophy , Electrical engineering

Ferrite LeftHhanded Metamaterial for RF Microwave Applications

The University of Manchester
2006 - 2009
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Military Technical College
1997 - 2000
Master of Science , Electrical engineering

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Passive Microstrip Arrays on Chiral Substrate

MIlitary technical college
1997 - 2000
Electrical Engineering / Electromagnetic Waves
Military Technical College
1991 - 2000
Bachelor of Science , Electrical engineering


Military Technical College
1991 - 1995
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Realted Researchers