I followed my doctoral degree at school of Public Policy & Administartion, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, (HUST) , Whuan, Hubei Province , Central China. My specialised research area was local government sector in Sri Lanka. The main reserarch topic was " Politcal Accontibility and it,s Impact on Service Delivering Process of Local Government Instituions In Sri Lanka" (Special reference to grass roots local institutions). This was a emprical research study and research activities were carried out selected grass root local government instituions in 15 administrartive districts in Sri Lanka. I was submitted thesis as a fullfillment of Doctoral Degree in 2017. I was graduated on PhD in Administartive Managment in 2017 March.
This is a two yeras master degree programme with research components. As a pre requsts , I was completed five course works requrements such as Internataioal Relations Theories and Approaches, South Asian Politics, Internationasl Economic Realtions, World Politics and International Law. I was submitted thesis on "Indo- Pakistan Neuclear Politics Imapct on Realationship of South Asian States" as a fullfillment of master degree programme in 2004.
I followed Plitical Scienec special degree at university of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Degree programme had coverd relavant sub dicisipiline such as political theory, International Realtions, constituional developemnt of Sri Lanka and comparative studies of political and administartive system of the selected countires in the world. This is four years under graduate course and I was graduate in 1996 with second class upper division.