The lab is home to professor Chung supported by graduate students from various departments. Our mission at the center is to create an inspiring environment for research into financial technology and AI applications. Our goal is to work with new AI startups and financial institutions such as commercial banks, insurance companies, and securities firms to create industry-academia collaboration projects. Thus, creating new cutting edge services or products in the fintech and marketing technology fields.
Our Team
In this lab there is a director and several supporting members. Professor Chung Chien-Ping is currently serving as the associate professor at National Taipei University of Technology. Dr. Chung specializes in financial technology, artificial intelligence applications, technology innovation and entrepreneurship. The supporting members come from department of Information and Finance Management.
本實驗室附屬於國立臺北科技大學人智慧金融實驗室,主持人為鍾建屏博士,團隊成員包括李修全教授、方豪副教授、王緁妶助理教授及陳昱欣助理教授,還有業界的荔枝智慧公司何建偉執行長、賀紀股份有限公司執行長賀鑠及來自管理學院各系所教師及研究生。研究方向是以人工智慧之商業與金融應用為主,涵蓋人工智慧的發展以及人工智慧導入行銷領域及金融科技的應用等。目前已經擁有涵蓋目前已經擁有《光學識別模組》、《旅平險智能客服裝置》、《智能分潤系統及其運作方法》、《智能檢核系統及其方法》、《聲波行動支付之驗證系統》、《人工智慧互動式檢核系統》、《具音波行動支付之驗證系統》、《聲波區塊鏈技術》等新型及發明多項專利。近年來研發出「運用於保險服務業的虛擬智能聊天機器人技術」,此技術榮獲2019年馬來西亞MTE發明展大會金牌獎、創新發明特別獎與大會特別獎。2020年11月,本中心成員以Shooly水電資訊媒合平台榮獲第二屆LINE Chatbot對話機器人設計大賽冠軍;同年12月,本中心成員以蜂巢情侶理財錢包獲得2020兆豐FinTech創意競賽全國第一名;同時另一批成員以寵物設計的第三方整合性APP獲得第二屆 AI 金融科技創新創意競賽全國第一名;2019年11月,本中心成員以PP Bank一舉獲得華南金控金融科技競賽第四屆全國第一名及金獎殊榮,以及日盛金控第一屆金融科技競賽的亞軍。另一團隊參加2019年第一屆 AI 金融科技創新創意競賽,臺灣科技大學春芽冷露加珍珠 榮獲全國第一名。
I am interested in developing effective methodologies for extracting valuable knowledge from the World Wide Web. My recent works have included (but not limit to): topic-oriented social relationship extraction, principle-based approach for NLP applications, text mining for sentiment analysis, question answering system, intelligent Chatbot of deep language understanding, and biomedical text mining.
#Natural Language Processing
#Information Extraction and Retrieval
#Text Categorization
#Search methods in artificial intelligence
#Text Mining for Collective Intelligence
#Intelligent Chatbot of Deep Language Understanding
The “All Vista Healthcare” Center aims to establish a world level platform to facilitate AI application oriented data and technology exploration, through which any technology targeted for certain AI application can be quickly developed and validated. This sub-center is expected to lead domestic research teams specialized in Bio and Medicine to promote the current level of domestic medicine, and in turn to improve the health and well-being of our fellow people. Another aim of the sub-center is to build up a critical cluster on bio and medical researches integrated with AI, so that our domestic substantial medical achievements enhanced by the AI techniques can be more easily recognized worldwide.
科技部根據「「AI創新研究中心專案計畫」,於台大設立人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心,由台大資工所陳信希 教授擔任主持人,傅立成教授擔任共同主持人。聯合研究中心下設置「人工智慧技術中心」以及「全幅健康照護中心」 ,分別由陳信希教授和傅立成教授擔任子計畫主持人,並各自邀請共同主持人數名,參與計畫的執行。兩中心依領域需求 ,分別成立指導委員會,指導各子中心的營運。