Tzung-Dau Wang
國立臺灣大學 教授
Contact Info
Professional Skills
Endothelial Function
Endothelial Dysfunction
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Blood Pressure
Heart Failure
Research Experience
Professor (Associate)
National Taiwan University Hospital August 2012 - Present
Department of Internal Medicine Taipei, Taiwan
Professor (Associate)
National Taiwan University August 1999 - Present
College of Medicine Taipei, Taiwan
Work Experience
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院, 整合醫學科 January 2020 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院, 心血管中心心臟檢查室主任 January 2020 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院, 心臟血管科 January 2020 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
中華民國心臟學會, 高血壓委員會 May 2018 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
中華民國心臟學會雜誌(Acta Cardiologica Sinica December 2017 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
臺灣高血壓學會 January 2017 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
國立臺灣大學, 醫學院 February 2002 - Present
臺灣, 臺北
歐洲心臟學院(E.S.C) January 2002 - Present
法國, Biot
國立臺灣大學醫學院, 內科 September 2017 - January 2022
臺灣, 臺北
臺灣內科醫學會, 秘書處 January 2012 - December 2019
臺灣, 臺北
副主席(Deputy Chairman)
中華民國心臟學會, 高血壓委員會 January 2010 - April 2018
臺灣, 臺北
國立臺灣大學, 醫學院 September 2010 - August 2017
臺灣, 臺北
執行主編(Executive Editor)
中華民國心臟學會雜誌(Acta Cardiologica Sinica) January 2005 - November 2017
臺灣, 臺北
臺灣高血壓學會 January 2005 - December 2016
臺灣, 臺北
國立臺灣大學醫學院, 內科 September 2003 - July 2012
臺灣, 臺北
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院雲林分院, 心血管中心 January 2010 - December 2012
臺灣, 雲林
臺灣, 臺北 Sep 1998 - Jun 2002
博士 , 臨床醫學研究所
臺灣, 臺北 Sep 1985 - Jun 1992
醫學士 , 醫學系
美國, 波士頓 Jan 1991 - Dec 1991
見習 , 貝斯以色列女執事醫療中心(BIDMC)
Prizes and Awards
Construction of a Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography-Based, Imaging/Physiology Mega-Databank to Develop Artificial Intelligence-Facilitated Automatic Diagnostic/Prediction Systems through a Multi-Center, Cross-Specialty Consortium( II )
December 2018 - November 2019


Diagnose Insulin Resistance of Adipose Tissues with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
August 2017 - July 2018




摘要:代謝綜合徵(MetS)已經成為⼀個世界上重要的臨床問題,在台灣也是。MetS患者有較⾼的風險發展2 型糖尿病(T2DM)和⼼⾎管疾病(CVD)。胰島素抵抗(IR)是MetS 的核⼼問題,開發直接量測IR 的臨床診斷⼯具將可促進MetS 發病機制的研究並協助MetS 患者控制病情。脂肪組織(AT)是重要的儲存庫且可釋放許多調節代謝的激素,因此被認為是形成IR 的早期指標。脂肪細胞功能障礙的幾個重要病理節點是脂肪細胞肥⼤、缺氧、炎症和IR。螢光⽣命週期顯微術(FLIM)可測量活體內細胞的代謝狀態,應⽤於脂肪細胞的研究中將有潛⼒發展為體內檢測IR 的⼯具。這項研究的⽬的是在不同的代謝壓⼒環境下,包括脂肪細胞肥⼤、缺氧和炎症,驗證脂肪組織的FLIM 變化。我們的量測⽅法包含:使⽤FLIM 來評估脂肪細胞缺氧引起的糖酵解作⽤,並使⽤⾦奈⽶胰島素和2-NBDG 來分別確認胰島素和糖的攝取,並從圖像中分析脂肪細胞的肥⼤狀況。此外,使⽤巨噬細胞上標記EGFP 的基因轉殖⼩鼠中可以同時觀察脂肪細胞的炎症發⽣狀況。本計畫將進⾏細胞和組織研究,在不同的代謝壓⼒環境下的脂肪細胞驗證我們的量測⽅法。將進⾏動物研究,在螢光轉殖巨噬細胞的 C2J ⼩鼠上誘發糖尿病,驗證我們的量測⽅法。同時進⾏臨床研究,在CAD/DM 患者的脂肪組織切⽚上,驗證FLIM 的量測結果與CAD/DM 的關聯性。根據相關⽂獻調查以及我們先前的研究成果,我們預期FLIM 量測結果將可分辨出不同代謝壓⼒下的脂肪細胞,並在臨床研究上與CAD/DM 有顯著關聯性。故本計畫將成功建⽴⼀個診斷MetS 的新量測⽅法,有助於釐清脂肪細胞失調的上游機制並監控MetS 的發展過程。
Abstract: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been a major clinical issue worldwide, also inTaiwan. MetS patients have high risk to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) andcardiovascular disease (CVD). Insulin resistance (IR) is the core issue of MetS,developing a clinical diagnostic tool for direct measurement of IR will promote thestudy of MetS pathogenesis and help MetS patients control disease progression.Adipose tissue (AT) is the main repository which can release many hormonesregulating metabolism, thus regarded as an indicator of early development of IR. Themain pathological nodes of adipocyte dysfunction are adipocyte hypertrophy,hypoxia, inflammation, and IR. Fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM) is apowerful tool to measure cell metabolism status in vivo. Applying FLIM in the studyof adipocytes will have the potential to develop a powerful tool for detecting IR invivo. The purpose of this study is to verify the FLIM measurement of AT in differentmetabolic stress status, including adipocyte hypertrophy, hypoxia, and inflammation.We will use FLIM to evaluate the glycolysis induced by hypoxia in adipocytes, anduse insulin-Au and 2-NBDG to confirm the uptake of insulin and sugar, and analyzethe hypertrophy of the adipocytes from the images. In addition, inflammation of theadipocytes can be observed simultaneously in mice that are transfected with EGFP onmacrophage. We will carry out cell and tissue studies to verify our measurements ofadipocyte in different metabolic stress status. Then, we will carry out animal studiesthat verify our measurements of AT of LyxM-EGFP C2J mice with DM. In parallel,we will carry out clinical studies that verify FLIM measurement of AT of patientswith CAD/DM. Based on the literature review and our previous work, we expect thatFLIM measurements will identify adipocytes in different metabolic stress status andwill be significantly associated with DM / CAD in clinical studies. Therefore, thisproject will successfully establish a novel measurement method for MetS diagnosis,benefit to clarify the upstream mechanism of adipocyte dysfunction and monitor thedevelopment of MetS.
Exploration of the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Novel Proatherogenic and Dysmetabolic Properties of Circulating Leukocytes and Epicardial Adipose Tissue---Applying the Novel Harmonics-Based Functional in vivo Optical Virtual Biopsy System
August 2015 - July 2016



摘要:背景—我們近來首次發現分佈於左心房心室間(左迴旋冠狀動脈及大冠狀靜脈所在處)的局部心包膜脂肪(epicardialadiposetissue,EAT)厚度是唯一與包括代謝症候群危險因子、脂肪激素(adipokines)、發炎指標、及冠狀動脈硬化程度相關的心包膜脂肪度量。此相關性在控制腹內脂肪量及體質量指標後仍存在。我們亦發現 EAT 分泌之發炎蛋白及脂肪激素(resistin, visfatin, Sfrp5)量為皮下脂肪的 5-10 倍。經由應用本團隊所獨有之具微細胞解析度之最低侵入性倍頻顯微技術(harmonic-generation microscopy)及新合成之人類胰島素-金奈米(insulin-Au nanodots [insulin-Au ND])顆粒,我們首次觀察到,與非冠心病病患相較,接受冠脈繞道手術之冠心病患,其 EAT 中的脂肪細胞大小分布變異較大、有較多(~5-10%)的小型脂肪細胞(直徑<40 m m)、且其脂肪細胞較不會攝入 insulin-Au ND、特別在脂肪細胞內的脂肪顆粒(lipid droplets)胞器內的insulin-AuND 量尤低,這些均可能與胰島素阻抗現象有關。在此三年計畫中,我們不僅要進一步觀察上述之 EAT 胰島素攝入變化是否有位置特異性及相關訊息傳遞分子和細胞代謝狀態變化(利用螢光代謝造影),我們還將利用吾人之獨特技術觀察循環於周邊血液中之白血球及其亞群的胞內胰島素阻抗現象(cellular insulin resistance)並探究其與動脈硬化疾病指標之相關性。本計畫的研究結果將使我們能更早期診斷出體內胰島素阻抗狀態,並進一步優化醫學界對相關動脈硬化疾病的診治。研究方法及預期結果—在此三年計畫之前一年半,我們計劃利用上述之嶄新技術,針對 80 位欲接受冠狀動脈繞道手術之冠心病病患及 40 位非冠心病病患欲接受瓣膜手術者(其中半數為糖尿病患),探究(1)不同部位之心包膜脂肪組織、縱膈脂肪組織、及皮下脂肪組織之脂肪細胞大小分佈、小型脂肪細胞(直徑<40 m m)比率、細胞代謝狀況、及細胞和其脂肪顆粒胞器之 insulin-AuND 攝入狀況及(2)循環血液中之白血球及其亞群血球的 insulin-Au ND 攝入狀況。倍頻顯微技術之觀察結果將以穿透式電子顯微鏡驗證。上述之血球及脂肪細胞度量將與脂肪組織或細胞培養液中之各種細胞激素數值(adiponectin, resistin, leptin, IL-6, IL-8, TNF- a , monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,macrophageinflammatoryprotein-1 b,granulocytecolonystimulatingfactor,IL-1ra,Sfrp5,PGC-1 a andUCP-1)、臨床代謝指標、血清脂肪激素/發炎指標、及冠狀動脈硬化指標進行相關性分析以探究其臨床意義。在本研究中,我們將會對每位病患於術前抽取靜脈血液及摘取四個不同部位的心包膜脂肪組織,包括三條冠狀動脈近端周圍的脂肪組織及右心室前表面之脂肪組織。 後一年半,我們將(1)分析不同部位脂肪細胞內之各種訊息傳遞分子表現量,並探究其與 insulin-Au ND 攝入度量及細胞代謝狀況之相關性,(2)分析循環白血球及其亞群之胞內訊息傳遞分子表現量及與 insulin-AuND 攝入度量之相關性,及(3)評估循環白血球及其亞群之 insulin-Au ND 攝入度量是否能作為評估心血管風險之診斷工具。組織及培養之脂肪細胞將利用分層技術根據細胞大小分成不同亞群獨立觀察分析。不同細胞之 insulin-AuND 攝入度量將與胰島素受體相關分子(insulin-receptor,insulinreceptorsubstrate-1, caveolin-1, Akt, PPAR g, and SREBP-1C)、脂肪顆粒相關分子(perilipin-1,CGI-58,CIDEC,cavin-1,hormone-sensitivelipase,andATGL)、及發炎相關分子等進行機轉探討。臨床意義—本計畫利用本團隊獨創之倍頻顯微技術結合 insulin-AuND 首次可直接觀察血球細胞及脂肪細胞內之胰島素代謝過程,配合新的細胞代謝螢光造影技術,可謂在胰島素阻抗/動脈硬化領域之突破性研究。此研究結果不僅可能開啟調控脂肪組織進而治療包括胰島素阻抗、糖尿病及動脈硬化疾病之契機,其於白血球細胞之檢測技術開發,更可能轉變目前對胰島素阻抗及動脈硬化疾病的診治觀念。
Abstract: Background—We have first demonstrated that thickness of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) in the left atrioventricular groove is the only EAT measurement significantly associated with the metabolic syndrome, systemic inflammatory markers, and coronary atherosclerosis after adjustments for intra-abdominal adiposity. We also show that EAT is associated with enhanced release of various inflammatory markers and adipokines. By applying the unique harmonic-generation microscopy (HGM) optical virtual biopsy system with subcellular resolution and fluorescent human insulin-Au nanodots (ND), we further demonstrate that, compared to patients with no cardiovascular risk factors, patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have wider variation in the size of epicardial adipocytes and decreased insulin uptake in adipocytes, particularly at the intracellular lipid droplets level. In this 3-year project, we will not only explore the topographic variation of the above-mentioned characteristics of epicardial adipocytes, their cellular metabolic status by an novel fluorescent metabolic imaging, and their downstream signaling pathways, but also extend to investigate the extent of cellular insulin resistance in circulating leukocytes and their subpopulations to further advance the recognition and management of insulin resistance and atherosclerotic diseases. Methods and Expected Results—In the first 1.5 years of this 3-year research project, we plan to extend our previous observations by (1) applying the HGM to analyze whether there is regional variation in the proportion of small-sized (<40 mm) adipocytes, the cellular insulin-Au ND uptake profile, and metabolic status in EAT; and (2) investigating the the cellular insulin-Au ND uptake profile of circulating leukocytes and their subpopulations obtained from CAD patients undergoing bypass surgery and non-CAD patients undergoing valve surgery, either with or without diabetes in a 2 x 2 design. 80 CAD patients and 40 age, gender, and body mass index-matched non-CAD patients will be included. Correlation analyses of the cellular (adipocyte or leukocyte) measurements from the above analyses with cytokine/adipokine profiles (adiponectin, resistin, leptin, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1b, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, IL-1ra, Sfrp5, PGC-1a and UCP-1) from adipose tissue-conditioned media, various systemic metabolic parameters, serum markers of inflammation and adipokines, and parameters of global and individual coronary atherosclerosis will be done to elucidate their clinical significance. In the second 1.5 years of this 3-year research project, we will (1) assess the expressions of various signaling molecules in adipocytes of different size among patients with different disease status and whether these molecules are related to the trafficking of insulin-Au in and out of adipocytes and intracellular lipid droplets, not only in human surgical specimens, but also in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes; (2) investigate the correlation of expression profile of intracellular signaling pathway molecules with the insulin uptake status in circulating leukocytes and their subpopulations to elucidate their pathophysiological significance; and (3) assess the clinical utility of leukocyte functional analysis for risk-stratification and therapeutic guidance. We will perform molecular analyses (western blotting and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR], etc.) to assess the expressions of insulin-receptor-related molecules (insulin-receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, caveolin-1, Akt, PPARg, and SREBP-1C), lipid-droplet-related molecules (perilipin-1, CGI-58, CIDEC, cavin-1, hormone-sensitive lipase, and ATGL), and inflammation-related molecules in human adipocytes of different sizes by cell fractionation, 3T3-L1 adipocytes of different sizes, and different leukocyte subpopulations. Clinical Significance—This 3-year research project will be a breakthrough in the field of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis research as we are for the first time able to directly measure insulin sensitivity of circulating leukocyte and its subpopulations. Results from this project will provide us opportunities to ameliorate/prevent diseases from insulin resistance to atherosclerosis by early identification of cellular insulin resistance and modulating the “crazy” visceral adipose tissues at the molecular level. Methodological breakthrough established in this project can be translated to other fields of medical research and even be applied to clinical practice (for example, leukocyte insulin sensitivity functional analysis as a better marker of insulin sensitivity).
adipose tissue
harmonic-generation microscope
Exploration of the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Novel Proatherogenic and Dysmetabolic Properties of Circulating Leukocytes and Epicardial Adipose Tissue---Applying the Novel Harmonics-Based Functional in vivo Optical Virtual Biopsy System
August 2014 - July 2015



摘要:背景—我們近來首次發現分佈於左心房心室間(左迴旋冠狀動脈及大冠狀靜脈所在處)的局部心包膜脂肪(epicardialadiposetissue,EAT)厚度是唯一與包括代謝症候群危險因子、脂肪激素(adipokines)、發炎指標、及冠狀動脈硬化程度相關的心包膜脂肪度量。此相關性在控制腹內脂肪量及體質量指標後仍存在。我們亦發現 EAT 分泌之發炎蛋白及脂肪激素(resistin, visfatin, Sfrp5)量為皮下脂肪的 5-10 倍。經由應用本團隊所獨有之具微細胞解析度之最低侵入性倍頻顯微技術(harmonic-generation microscopy)及新合成之人類胰島素-金奈米(insulin-Au nanodots [insulin-Au ND])顆粒,我們首次觀察到,與非冠心病病患相較,接受冠脈繞道手術之冠心病患,其 EAT 中的脂肪細胞大小分布變異較大、有較多(~5-10%)的小型脂肪細胞(直徑<40 m m)、且其脂肪細胞較不會攝入 insulin-Au ND、特別在脂肪細胞內的脂肪顆粒(lipid droplets)胞器內的insulin-AuND 量尤低,這些均可能與胰島素阻抗現象有關。在此三年計畫中,我們不僅要進一步觀察上述之 EAT 胰島素攝入變化是否有位置特異性及相關訊息傳遞分子和細胞代謝狀態變化(利用螢光代謝造影),我們還將利用吾人之獨特技術觀察循環於周邊血液中之白血球及其亞群的胞內胰島素阻抗現象(cellular insulin resistance)並探究其與動脈硬化疾病指標之相關性。本計畫的研究結果將使我們能更早期診斷出體內胰島素阻抗狀態,並進一步優化醫學界對相關動脈硬化疾病的診治。研究方法及預期結果—在此三年計畫之前一年半,我們計劃利用上述之嶄新技術,針對 80 位欲接受冠狀動脈繞道手術之冠心病病患及 40 位非冠心病病患欲接受瓣膜手術者(其中半數為糖尿病患),探究(1)不同部位之心包膜脂肪組織、縱膈脂肪組織、及皮下脂肪組織之脂肪細胞大小分佈、小型脂肪細胞(直徑<40 m m)比率、細胞代謝狀況、及細胞和其脂肪顆粒胞器之 insulin-AuND 攝入狀況及(2)循環血液中之白血球及其亞群血球的 insulin-Au ND 攝入狀況。倍頻顯微技術之觀察結果將以穿透式電子顯微鏡驗證。上述之血球及脂肪細胞度量將與脂肪組織或細胞培養液中之各種細胞激素數值(adiponectin, resistin, leptin, IL-6, IL-8, TNF- a , monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,macrophageinflammatoryprotein-1 b,granulocytecolonystimulatingfactor,IL-1ra,Sfrp5,PGC-1 a andUCP-1)、臨床代謝指標、血清脂肪激素/發炎指標、及冠狀動脈硬化指標進行相關性分析以探究其臨床意義。在本研究中,我們將會對每位病患於術前抽取靜脈血液及摘取四個不同部位的心包膜脂肪組織,包括三條冠狀動脈近端周圍的脂肪組織及右心室前表面之脂肪組織。 後一年半,我們將(1)分析不同部位脂肪細胞內之各種訊息傳遞分子表現量,並探究其與 insulin-Au ND 攝入度量及細胞代謝狀況之相關性,(2)分析循環白血球及其亞群之胞內訊息傳遞分子表現量及與 insulin-AuND 攝入度量之相關性,及(3)評估循環白血球及其亞群之 insulin-Au ND 攝入度量是否能作為評估心血管風險之診斷工具。組織及培養之脂肪細胞將利用分層技術根據細胞大小分成不同亞群獨立觀察分析。不同細胞之 insulin-AuND 攝入度量將與胰島素受體相關分子(insulin-receptor,insulinreceptorsubstrate-1, caveolin-1, Akt, PPAR g, and SREBP-1C)、脂肪顆粒相關分子(perilipin-1,CGI-58,CIDEC,cavin-1,hormone-sensitivelipase,andATGL)、及發炎相關分子等進行機轉探討。臨床意義—本計畫利用本團隊獨創之倍頻顯微技術結合 insulin-AuND 首次可直接觀察血球細胞及脂肪細胞內之胰島素代謝過程,配合新的細胞代謝螢光造影技術,可謂在胰島素阻抗/動脈硬化領域之突破性研究。此研究結果不僅可能開啟調控脂肪組織進而治療包括胰島素阻抗、糖尿病及動脈硬化疾病之契機,其於白血球細胞之檢測技術開發,更可能轉變目前對胰島素阻抗及動脈硬化疾病的診治觀念。
Abstract: Background—We have first demonstrated that thickness of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) in the left atrioventricular groove is the only EAT measurement significantly associated with the metabolic syndrome, systemic inflammatory markers, and coronary atherosclerosis after adjustments for intra-abdominal adiposity. We also show that EAT is associated with enhanced release of various inflammatory markers and adipokines. By applying the unique harmonic-generation microscopy (HGM) optical virtual biopsy system with subcellular resolution and fluorescent human insulin-Au nanodots (ND), we further demonstrate that, compared to patients with no cardiovascular risk factors, patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have wider variation in the size of epicardial adipocytes and decreased insulin uptake in adipocytes, particularly at the intracellular lipid droplets level. In this 3-year project, we will not only explore the topographic variation of the above-mentioned characteristics of epicardial adipocytes, their cellular metabolic status by an novel fluorescent metabolic imaging, and their downstream signaling pathways, but also extend to investigate the extent of cellular insulin resistance in circulating leukocytes and their subpopulations to further advance the recognition and management of insulin resistance and atherosclerotic diseases. Methods and Expected Results—In the first 1.5 years of this 3-year research project, we plan to extend our previous observations by (1) applying the HGM to analyze whether there is regional variation in the proportion of small-sized (<40 mm) adipocytes, the cellular insulin-Au ND uptake profile, and metabolic status in EAT; and (2) investigating the the cellular insulin-Au ND uptake profile of circulating leukocytes and their subpopulations obtained from CAD patients undergoing bypass surgery and non-CAD patients undergoing valve surgery, either with or without diabetes in a 2 x 2 design. 80 CAD patients and 40 age, gender, and body mass index-matched non-CAD patients will be included. Correlation analyses of the cellular (adipocyte or leukocyte) measurements from the above analyses with cytokine/adipokine profiles (adiponectin, resistin, leptin, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1b, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, IL-1ra, Sfrp5, PGC-1a and UCP-1) from adipose tissue-conditioned media, various systemic metabolic parameters, serum markers of inflammation and adipokines, and parameters of global and individual coronary atherosclerosis will be done to elucidate their clinical significance. In the second 1.5 years of this 3-year research project, we will (1) assess the expressions of various signaling molecules in adipocytes of different size among patients with different disease status and whether these molecules are related to the trafficking of insulin-Au in and out of adipocytes and intracellular lipid droplets, not only in human surgical specimens, but also in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes; (2) investigate the correlation of expression profile of intracellular signaling pathway molecules with the insulin uptake status in circulating leukocytes and their subpopulations to elucidate their pathophysiological significance; and (3) assess the clinical utility of leukocyte functional analysis for risk-stratification and therapeutic guidance. We will perform molecular analyses (western blotting and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR], etc.) to assess the expressions of insulin-receptor-related molecules (insulin-receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, caveolin-1, Akt, PPARg, and SREBP-1C), lipid-droplet-related molecules (perilipin-1, CGI-58, CIDEC, cavin-1, hormone-sensitive lipase, and ATGL), and inflammation-related molecules in human adipocytes of different sizes by cell fractionation, 3T3-L1 adipocytes of different sizes, and different leukocyte subpopulations. Clinical Significance—This 3-year research project will be a breakthrough in the field of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis research as we are for the first time able to directly measure insulin sensitivity of circulating leukocyte and its subpopulations. Results from this project will provide us opportunities to ameliorate/prevent diseases from insulin resistance to atherosclerosis by early identification of cellular insulin resistance and modulating the “crazy” visceral adipose tissues at the molecular level. Methodological breakthrough established in this project can be translated to other fields of medical research and even be applied to clinical practice (for example, leukocyte insulin sensitivity functional analysis as a better marker of insulin sensitivity).
adipose tissue
harmonic-generation microscope
Exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying the intriguing “proatherogenic” and “dysmetabolic” properties of epicardial adipose tissue: applying the novel harmonics-based in vivo optical virtual biopsy system and the fluorescence insulin-Au nan
August 2013 - July 2014


Exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying the intriguing “proatherogenic” and “dysmetabolic” properties of epicardial adipose tissue: applying the novel harmonics-based in vivo optical virtual biopsy system and the fluorescence insulin-Au nan
August 2012 - July 2013


Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Intriguing “Region-Specific” Property of Epicardial Adipose Tissue : Focusing on Micrornas and Identifying Their Clinical and Prognostic Significance
August 2011 - July 2012


Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Intriguing "Region-Specific" Relations of Epicardial Adipose Tissue to Metabolic Syndrome Components and Coronary Atherosclerosis
August 2010 - July 2011


Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Intriguing "Region-Specific" Relations of Epicardial Adipose Tissue to Metabolic Syndrome Components and Coronary Atherosclerosis
August 2009 - July 2010


Validation of the Clinical Applicability of Various Platelet Function Assessments in High-Risk Atherothrombic Patients Undergoing Coronary Angioplasty
August 2007 - July 2008


Validation of the Clinical Applicability of Various Platelet Function Assessments in High-Risk Atherothrombic Patients Undergoing Coronary Angioplasty
August 2007 - July 2008


Treatment of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Calcification by Insulin Sensitizers in Insulin-Resistant Patients---Correlation with Various Markers of Inflammation and Calcification
August 2006 - July 2007


Treatment of Coronary Atherosclerosis by Insulin Sensitizers in Insulin-Resistant Patients---Evaluated by 16-Slice MDCT Coronary Angiography/Scanning and Intravascular Ultrasound
August 2005 - July 2006


Effects of PPARg Agonist or Statin Alone and in Combination on Components of the Metabolic Syndrome, Endothelial Function and Novel Inflammatory Markers in Non-diabetic Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome
August 2004 - July 2005


Effects of PPARg Agonist or Statin Alone and in Combination on Components of the Metabolic Syndrome, Endothelial Function and Novel Inflammatory Markers in Non-diabetic Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome
August 2004 - July 2005


Effects of PPARg Agonist, PPARa Agonist, or HMG Co-A Reductase Inhibitor on Endothelial Function, Novel Inflammatory Markers, and Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Non-diabetic Patient
August 2003 - July 2004

對非糖尿病合併型血脂肪過高患者使用PPARg Agonist、PPARa Agonist、或HMGCoA還原脢對各種嶄新心血管疾病危險因子之影響

Altered Gene Expression of Hearts in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes---Assessment by Microarray
August 2001 - July 2002


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